UNIQA - Business card - Centrála

Once added, you can find the pass in Wallet application

Open Wallet

If you have not already done so, add the pass by using the button below

Pavel Šupa
Oblastní ředitel TOP
+420 702 283 538
🌐 WEB https://www.uniqa.cz/detaily-pobocek/brno-pekarska/: https://www.uniqa.cz/detaily-pobocek/brno-pekarska/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/uniqabrnotriniti Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pavel-supa
UNIQA Management Services, s.r.o. Pekařská 390/23 602 00 Brno
👉skody.uniqa.cz: https://skody.uniqa.cz/ 👉E-podatelna: https://epodatelna.uniqa.cz/klient/odeslani-zasilky 👉Moje Uniqa: https://moje.uniqa.cz/
👉+420 488 125 125: tel:+420 488 125 125
👉Auta +421 272 101 020: tel:+421 272 101 020 👉Majetek +420 488 125 125: tel:+420 488 125 125 👉Úraz, Cesty +420 255 735 900: tel:+420 255 735 900 👉Cizinci +420 234 280 234: tel:+420 234 280 234
®️ Created by YOURPASS: http://yourpass.eu

Save the pass to your phone

No need to print the pass, just present it on your mobile device.

Save to iPhone
Save to Android device